Publications (Google Scholar Profile)
Predict Progression Free Survival and Overall Survival Using Objective Response Rate for Anti-PD1/PDL1 Therapy Development
Lei Yang, Geethanjali Raveendran, Xiang Meng, Ji Lin & Zhaoling Meng
BMC Cancer.
Coherent modeling of longitudinal causal effects on binary outcomes
Linbo Wang, Xiang Meng, Thomas Richardson, James Robins
[Paper] [Code & Data]
REFINE2: A tool to evaluate real-world performance of machine-learning based effect estimators for molecular and clinical studies
Xiang Meng, Jonathan Huang
[arXiv] [Code]
Adaptive Robot-Assisted Feeding: An Online Learning Framework for Acquiring Previously-Unseen Food Items
Ethan K. Gordon, Xiang Meng, Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Matt Barnes, and Siddhartha S. Srinivasa
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, US, 2020. IROS 2020.
[arXiv] [Demo Video]